News Roundup - January 2023
Save the Six Bells: Positive Building Survey
We hope that you all had a lovely time over the festive period.
Now we’ve moved into 2023 we’re excited to report that our project has moved into a new phase. In December the owner of the Six Bells gave us access to conduct a building and business viability survey. The surveyor could see real potential in the building for a community hub. In fact, in his opinion, the building is too large to be just a pub and has sufficient space to accommodate the other services we’ve been considering, such as a farm shop, café, visitor centre and B&B accommodation. The surveyor has outlined the areas of the building that need to be repaired/replaced and given us an idea of market value. We are now working on a viability report looking at the various options available to us and the associated costings before we make a decision on how best to proceed. It’s likely however, that we will need to approach the project in phases rather than try to do everything at once. This will enable us to build up trade and funds before expanding, hopefully making the business more viable in the long term. It will also make it more manageable for us given that we are volunteer led.
Outline Planning Application
In the meantime, the owner of the Six Bells has re-submitted a request for outline planning permission to convert the pub into three residential cottages. Addressing the previous reasons for refusal they argue that every reasonable attempt has been made to secure a suitable business reuse and that the existing provision is surplus to the needs of the community.
The results of the community survey we conducted and the support we have had since starting this campaign show that there is in fact real appetite for not only a pub, but a community hub providing a variety of other services for local residents, commuters and tourists. And the business viability assessment that’s been undertaken gives us confidence that this project can be viable, so long as you all continue to lend it your support, not only in these early stages but well into the future. For these reasons we have submitted an objection to the plans, outlining our vision for an expanded business reuse and asking for time to explore this fully. You can view the application and associated comments by visiting the Newport Planning Portal and entering reference 22/1180.
So what’s next? Come and find out more
We would like to invite you all to an Engagement Evening at the end of this month to hear more about the results of the building survey and discuss the next steps available to us. We will aim to arrange a video link for those of you unable to join us in person.
Date: Tuesday 31 January Time: 6.30 – 7.30pm Location: Peterstone Village Hall |
We can’t do this without you!
We think there would be real benefit to having a community hub in our village and have consequently been doing as much as we can to move the project forward. However, the small group of us who are currently on the Steering Group cannot do this alone, especially as we now consider making an offer to the owner, launching a community share offer and applying for grants. If we don’t have sufficient volunteers step forward within the next 4-6 weeks who can commit solid blocks of time to move work forward, we will likely have to call it a day.
So, we are appealing to you to donate as much time as you can to help us secure the Six Bells for the benefit of the community – our community. There is a wide range of activities that you can get involved in depending on your skills and interests, and the amount of time you can commit. This includes:
- Support with organising our monthly coffee morning and other fundraising events;
- Assisting with writing grant applications and the business plan;
- Managing the administration of a community share offer, such as recording shares and issuing certificates;
- Supporting our campaign planning and delivery, such as writing these monthly newsletters, planning social media stories and developing our branding;
- Managing our finances;
- Giving advice on running pubs/shops/cafes/B&B accommodation.
If you’re unable to come to the Engagement Evening but would like to help, drop us a message on Facebook |
Coffee Mornings
Thank you to those of you who joined us for our festive craft fayre at the November coffee morning. We had a great turnout and there were some amazing gifts on offer from our talented group of local crafters. Well done to those of you who won prizes in our festive raffle. The first coffee morning of the year will take place on Saturday 28 January, 10.00 – 12.00. A number of Steering Group members will be available to talk to you about the project as you have a leisurely cuppa and slice of cake. As usual, there will also be activities for the children plus the opportunity to pick up a good read from our community library. We would love to see you. Also, if you have any unwanted Christmas gifts that you’d be happy to donate to our cause for sale or raffle, please let us know or bring them with you on the 28th. These coffee mornings will continue to take place on the last Saturday of every month so please get them into your diary for the rest of the year.
Peterstone Wentlooge Community Benefit Society Limited Registration Number 8950